Saturday, March 1, 2008

President's Welcome

Dear Visitor,

This website is here for you to see all the projects the Pine Tree Academy Student Association is undertaking to make our Academy a more fun and enjoyable environment. This website is the Association’s first, yet it is a vital tool in the twenty-first century for the school’s leaders to maintain a dialogue with the students in order to serve their needs.

I hope you come again.

S.A. Officers

Social Secretary
Cultural Secretary
Boys Athletic Director
Girls Athletic Director
Student Association Sponsor
Student Association Co-Sponsor


August 29: Ice Breaker 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
September 5: Beach Day
September 11: Event in Memoriam
October 14: Fall Festival
October 31: Barn Party
December 2: Winter Banquet
January 29: Winter Field Day
May 8: Academy Assembly - SA Speeches
May 15: SA Elections
May 21: Academy Field Day


Pine Tree Academy
ATTN: Student Association President
67 Pownal Road
Freeport, Maine 04032
Phone: (207) 865-4747
Fax: (207) 865-1768

Press Releases

September 2, 2007

The President commented today on the Ice Breaker that took place Wednesday, August 29:

"I think that the Ice Breaker was a tremendous success. I want to thank our Athletic Directors for their assistance in the Lifesaver and bat games. I also want to thank everyone who contributed to this event through the supplies they brought or for their attendance and involvement in the events."


September 30, 2007

The President reflected upon Beach Day (Wednesday, September 5) and the upcoming votes on the Constitution's amendments:

"I deemed Beach Day to be a success, even if we were unable to do the sand sculptures. Volleyball, football, and kuub made the day eventful for all of us.

"I would like to draw your attention to the amendments this Student Association would like to see adopted by the Student Association at-large:


Every Student Association Executive Committee member shall be expected to attend all SA functions.

A Student Association Senate shall be created, comprising two representatives of the 9-12 grades (one from each gender). As a representative body, they shall be given authority to meet at their own pleasure and to give support and recommendations to the Student Association Executive Committee. The President of the Senate shall be the Vice-President of the Student Association.

The Board of Publications is hereby abolished.

The Sub-Committee on Community Services is hereby abolished.

The Student Athletic Council is hereby abolished.

'6th Amendment
The right of students in the eighth grade at Pine Tree Academy to vote for the following year’s Student Association officers shall not be denied or abridged.' "


November 3, 2007

The President commented on the Ice Breaker today:

"What a great time we had at the Barn Party this past Wednesday. I really appreciate the hard work that was put into it. I want to especially thank our academy Vice-Principal for the hay ride that he put together for us and a thank you to the S.A. Co-Sponsor and her Home Economics class for providing the food for the event. I look forward to future S.A. events."


November 11, 2007

Yesterday, the President returned from the Atlantic Union Bible Conference at Camp Winnekeag. He commented today on the Bible Conference and his spiritual vision for Pine Tree Academy in addition to last Thursday's passage of the Constitutional Amendments:

"I am pleased to see that the Student Association recognized the need to pass the desperately needed amendments to the Student Association Constitution last Thursday. It is my duty to now enforce the will of the S.A. and see to it that the amendments are attached to the Constitution. A copy will be inserted into the S.A. minutes for archival purposes and a copy will also be given to Student Association Sponsors Emeriti who have requested copies.

"I also wish to brief the Association on the Bible Conference's focus on prayer and what I have directed the S.A. Pastor, Chairman of the Spiritual Activities Committee, to accomplish for the student body.

"In the Bible Conference, we were directed to have a personal prayer life with God, to be a light to our peers at school, and to share with our schools the valuable lessons learned. I was inspired to make these truths accessible to Pine Tree Academy's students. I have encouraged the Spiritual Activities Committee to address the ways in which this goal can be accomplished, possibly giving a series of talks during some of the vespers services being scheduled."


November 20, 2007

The President commented on today's Student Association Executive Committee Meeting:

"My fellow students, today's meeting addressed the issues of entertainment at the Winter Banquet. It was resolved that we should have a game of dradle and chocolate coins, having Christmas music in the background, putting on a karaoke contest, and more. We hope that you will come to the Winter Banquet this December 2."


December 3, 2008

The President commented today on yesterday's Winter Banquet:

"I want to thank the members of the Student Association for their attendance at the Winter Banquet. We had a fun time eating the delectable Chinese food, playing with dradles and chocolate coins, and playing with the karaoke machine provided by the Guys Athletic Director. None of this could be possible without our S.A. officers."


December 27, 2008

"Dear Pine Tree Students and Teacher,

"I hope all is going well during your Christmas Break. I know that I
have really enjoyed spending time with family. In this Christmas season, let us not forget Jesus Christ, the true reason for the season.

[The President]"


February 21, 2008

The President reflected upon the events that took place at the Winter Field Day (January 29):

"Almost a month after the Winter Field Day, I feel compelled to offer a recapitulation of the events and to show my appreciation to all those involved.

"Winter Field Day was definitely enjoyable with nice weather and well executed events. These activities were steal the bacon, tug-of-war, a modified version of tag, dog sled racing, and witnessing the senior class's sled going down the Pine Tree's sledding hill. Many thanks go to the Athletic Directors, especially the Guys' Athletic Director for doing a lot of work during the absence of the Girls' Athletic Director. Our science teacher should also be acknowledged for teaching us the rules of the modified version of tag. Our Sponsor and Co-Sponsor made this event possible by placing it in the school calendar and by assisting me in passing out hot drinks, respectively."


March 1, 2008

Today, the President sent out the following e-mail to Pine Tree Academy students:

"Dear Students,

"As you know, the Pine Tree Academy constituency decided to include a
$70,000.00 line item in order to balance their budget and save the
removal of one Full-Time Equivalent (or FTE). This action was taken
February 25. At this meeting, I introduced the following 7-point

"'A Plan to Place Pine Tree Academy on a Permanent Path to Financial Security

"'Phase 1: Recruitment/Public Relations blitz by small choir traveling to
former constituent churches in conjunction with sermons re:
Adventist education

"'Phase 2: Executive board and school administration proposing to former
constituent churches the prospect of resuming their status

"'Phase 3: Bulletin advertising and notices of PTA happenings sent out to all
NH and ME churches, respectively

"'Phase 4: Invite the media to come for Music Clinic to cover the event

"'Phase 5: Newspaper advertisements in Sun Journal and Maine Sunday

"'Phase 6: Phase 1 expanded into a greater geographical radius

"'Phase 7: Adopt Forest Lake Academy's "Adventist Education for the 21st
Century", making a Pine Tree education accessible to more of the
NNEC and country via ITV satellite locations'

"In order to execute Phase 1, I will need your help. I am forming a
small choir that will aid the school in its recruiting of students and
its public relations efforts in former constituent churches. If you
are interested in joining such an endeavor, please indicate so via
e-mail, in person, etc.

President of the Student Association"


March 29, 2008

Today, the President commented on some of the events that took place in the month of March and some events to come.

"I would first like to thank the Cultural Secretary for her work in being in charge of Pine Tree Academy's students visiting Lewiston/Auburn's Public Theatre.

"Last Monday, the following Student Association report was read at the school board in my absence:



"'March 24, 2008

"'Dear Members of the Board,

"'Two main events have occurred or have developed since I last addressed this assembly. The first is the trip organized by the Student Association for the Academy students to Lewiston’s Public Theatre. The second, and the one I wish to expound on, is my formation of a small choir to recruit and do public relations for Pine Tree Academy in the former constituent churches.

"'Last month, the constituency had to make a difficult choice, whether to go along with the school’s Finance Committee recommendation or to turn down the proposition and instead raise the needed money to balance the budget. It was there that I introduced “A Plan to Place Pine Tree Academy on a Permanent Path to Financial Security”. Phase 1 of this plan was “Recruitment/public relations blitz by a small choir traveling to former constituent churches in conjunction with sermons about Adventist education”. As promised, I have written a report to specify the progress made in meeting this goal.

"'The small choir is going to meet for the first time this Wednesday at lunchtime in the chapel. Thus far, we have the following people participating in this endeavor: SA Secretary, Gentleman from the Senior Class, SA Cultural Secretary, SA Social Secretary, and Gentle-lady from the Junior Class. Our faculty sponsor is the Religion Teacher. I solicit your prayers as we begin to establish ourselves and in our performance at various churches.

"'I will continue to keep the Board posted as new developments occur.

"'Respectfully submitted,


"'President of the Student Association'

"Also during this week, the small choir I have been announcing was formed. While more students could have attended, I anticipate more participation due to the following
e-mail sent out today:

"'Dear SA Members and Officers,

"'As you know, I have been assembling a small choir for Pine Tree
Academy. More participants are needed. You also know that our chapel
services lack music. Therefore, I propose a fusion of efforts by
those currently involved in the small choir and of the Student
Association Executive Committee through the formation of a Religious
Activities Subcommittee on Chapel Music and Small Choir. We need to
recruit more participants. I know that there is talent in our Student
Association that is not being utilized. That is why my proposition is
that the small choir continue with added support by such a committee
composed by the following members:

"'------, Chair
SA Girls Athletic Director
SA Social Secretary
Gentle-lady from the Junior Class
SA Cultural Secretary
SA Secretary
SA Pastor
Religion Teacher
Principal, Ex-officio

"'We will meet on Wednesday at lunchtime in the chapel.


"'President of the Student Association'"


SA Constitution

We, the students of Pine Tree Academy, in accordance with the authority delegated by the principal of the school, in order to promote the spirit and purposes of the school, and to provide effective student leadership, establish this Constitution.
Section 1. Name
    The name of this organization shall be the Student Association of Pine Tree Academy.
Section 2. Constitution and By-Laws
The Constitution and By-Laws shall be published each year.
Section 3. Membership
    All high school students (9-12) of Pine Tree Academy who pay dues shall be members of this organization.
Section 4. Dues
The dues of members shall be assessed from the general matriculation fee.
Section 1. Officers
    1. The Officers of this organization shall be:

      1) President
      2) Vice-President
      3) Secretary
      4) Treasurer
      5) Pastor/Pastorette
      6) Parliamentarian
      7) Social Secretary
      8) Cultural Secretary
      9) Girls and Guys Athletic Directors
Section 2. Term of Office
The term of office of all Association officers shall be from the school opening in August or September to closing in June.
Section 3. Nominations and Elections
Nominations and elections shall be conducted according to the following procedures:
    1. Nomination of officers

      1. Any member who meets the requirements of an office, which is to maintain a GPA of 3.0 for president; 2.5 for all other officers, and presents a petition carrying the signature of at least 30 students of the Association shall be considered for nomination by the officers of the Student Association.
      2. All nominations shall be submitted to the Faculty for approval before being publicized.
      3. All nominees shall sign an official application for their office.
      4. In the event there are not two applications for each office, the Student Association officials may nominate individuals to fill those positions.
      5. No student can hold more than one major office. (These offices include S.A. President, S.A. Treasurer, yearbook editor, class President.)
      6. All nominees must be good citizens without excessive tardies and absences.

    1. Election of Officers:
      1. All officers of the SA (Student Association except the parliamentarian) shall be elected at the general election in May.
      2. The parliamentarian shall be chosen by the officers of the SA subject to the approval of the Student Association.
      3. The majority of the votes cast for an office shall constitute an election. In the event that no candidate shall receive a plurality of five votes, if there are more than two candidates, a run-off election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes.
      4. The right of students in the eighth grade at Pine Tree Academy to vote for the following year’s Student Association officers shall not be denied or abridged.

Section 4: Duties of the Officers
The officers shall perform the duties prescribed in the By-Laws.

Section 5: Removal from Office
Any officer neglecting his/her duties as defined in the By-Laws may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Student Association. Any student whose grades drop below the required level during a nine-week period will automatically be removed from office.
Section 1: Meetings
    1. The regular meetings of the Student Association will take place once a month
    during the regular chapel period.
    1. A quorum shall consist of at least two-thirds of the members of the
    Association. The passage of a motion shall require a majority of votes cast.
    1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag shall be recited at each meeting of the SA.
    2. All meetings of the Association shall be governed by parliamentary rules as set forth in the By-Laws.
    3. A secretary’s report consisting of minutes from the previous meeting is to be given.
    4. A treasurer’s report is to be given

Section 2: Jurisdiction
The Assembly shall have jurisdiction as follows:
    1. Shall approve the budget of the Association including its subsidiary
    1. Shall approve all amendments to the constitutions by a two-thirds majority of
    the members present.
Section 1: Procedure
The Constitution may be amended provided that:
    1. The proposed amendment has been discussed an approved by the Student
    Association offices and
    1. The proposed amendment has been discussed and approved by the faculty.
    2. The proposed amendment will be announced in assembly and posted on the bulletin board at least one week before the meeting at which time it will be voted upon, and
    3. The proposed amendment is carried by a two-thirds majority or the members present at either a regular or special meeting of the Assembly.
Section 2: Insertion
The amendment shall replace the affected part of the Constitution or be added to the Constitution at the appropriate place to which it refers.
Section 1: Committees
    1. Executive Committee

      1) Membership: The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of
      all the officers of the Student Association except the parliamentarian.
    1. Responsibilities:
        1. Coordinate the operation of all standing committees.
        1. Prepare a calendar of all meetings and activities of the groups in the Association.
        2. Plan all Association benefits and special programs.
        3. Approve and make arrangements for printing
        programs for functions.
        1. Secure budgets from all organizations to which the Student Association appropriates funds and present these to the student body for approval.
        2. Make the arrangements for the auditing of all Association financial records at the end of each year.
        3. Authorize the President to assign special responsibilities to various officers of the Association.
        4. Act as a liaison between the students and faculty by receiving student opinion.
        5. The Student Association will have full voting privileges as a member of the School Board.
        6. Attend all Student Association functions.

    1. Student Association Senate

      1) Membership: The membership of the Senate shall consist of two representatives from each of the academy grades (one from each gender). They shall be popularly elected from their respective classes. The President of the Senate shall be the Vice-President of the S.A. He/she shall not vote, unless they be equally divided.
      2) Description: As a representative body, the S.A. Senate shall be given authority to meet at their own pleasure and to give support and recommendations to the Student Association Executive Committee. They shall act as a mediator between the academy classes and the Student Association.
Section 2: Officers
    1. Responsibilities of the President of the Student Association

      1. Give leadership to the SA activities so that the goals set for all officers
      and groups may be achieved.
      1. Represent the SA at school and community functions.
      2. Preside at meetings of the Association.
      3. Be an ex-officio member of all committees of the SA.
      4. The president has the privilege of representing the students in the
        faculty meetings during which issues relevant to the student body as a whole are discussed. He/She must have permission from the principal prior to the meeting.
      1. The president will also be a voting member of the school board.
      2. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Vice-President of the Student Association

      1. Assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence
      of the President. In case of permanent absence, he/she shall become
      President and a new Vice-President shall be elected.
      1. Secure approval from the Faculty for all persons nominated to SA
      1. Make all arrangements for voting procedure pursuant to ARTICLE II,
        Section 3, of the Constitution, including the receiving of all petitions, the election itself, and the tabulation of all results. A certified report of all election returns shall be kept on file.
      1. Be the President of the S.A. Senate
      2. Assume those duties assigned by the President.
      3. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Secretary of the Student Association:

      1. Take minutes of the meetings of the Association, record in a minute book. Present copies of these minutes to the Faculty Advisor of the Student Association and each Association member.
      2. Take care of official correspondence, and maintain a permanent file of all SA records.
      3. Serve as chairman of Public Relations Committee.
      4. Assume those duties assigned by the President.
      5. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Public Relations Committee:

      1. Coordinate the publicity of all Association activities.
      2. Publicize information about all candidates running for office preceding each election.
      3. Maintain a permanent file of all advertising materials.
      4. The committee shall meet as scheduled in the Association calendar when deemed necessary by the chairman.
      5. Be responsible for any Academy day events as assigned by the principal of the school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Treasurer of the Student Association

      1. Have custody of all Student Association funds and disburse these funds under the supervision of the President or faculty advisor. These funds shall be maintained by the treasurer of the school except as
        specific authorization to the contrary is received from the school
      1. Prepare with the advisor’s approval and submit a tentative budget to
        the SA officers within three weeks after the beginning of school. He/She shall present this general Student Association Budget to the Assembly for approval.
      1. Present a financial statement to the General Assembly at the last
      regular meeting of the school year.
      1. Be a member of the Executive Committee.
      2. Assume those duties assigned by the President.
      3. Be responsible for printing tickets, ticket sales, and coordinating ushering for all Student Association programs.
      4. Serve as Chairman of the Fund Raising Committee.
      5. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Fund Raising Committee:

      1. Help in supplementing SA funds for the Student Association.
      2. Organize fund raising projects as authorized by the chairman.
      3. Aid the chairman in obtaining ideas for fund raising.
      4. All committee members subject to the approval of the SA.
    1. Responsibilities of the Pastor/Pastorette of the Student Association:

      1. Coordinate the religious activities of the Association.
      2. Be the chairman of the Religious Activities Committee.
      3. Be a member of the Executive Committee.
      4. Assume those duties assigned by the President.
      5. Be responsible for a devotional at each SA meeting.
      6. Community service.
      7. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Religious Activities Committee:

      1. Advise and help the Pastor perform his responsibilities.
      2. Institute and foster special religious projects.
      3. Help in organizing religious clubs on campus.
      4. All members of the committee subject to the approval of the SA.
    1. Responsibilities of the Social Secretary of the Student Association

      1. Coordinate all social activities of the Association and secure approval of the officers of the SA for all these activities.
      2. Be a member of the Executive Committee.
      3. Be a chairman of the Social Activities Committee.
      4. Assume those duties assigned by the President.
      5. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Social Activities Committee:

      1. Social Activity Committee shall be composed of the Social Secretary as the chairman and appointed S.A. members.
    1. Responsibilities of the Cultural Secretary

      1. Coordinate all cultural activities of the Association.
      2. Be chairman of the Cultural Activities Committee.
      3. Be a member of the Executive Committee
      4. Assume those duties assigned by the President.
      5. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.
    1. Responsibilities of the Cultural Activities Committee

      1. Advise and help the cultural secretary in his/her responsibility.
      2. Provide information and ticket service for cultural activities in the area, sponsor special programs of interest to the students, and stimulate intellectual and creative activities on campus.
      3. The committee shall be organized into a sub-committee: Dress and Decorum. Dress and Decorum shall include informing the students on proper etiquette and shall include the bringing in of people trained in this area to speak before the Association.
      4. All members of the committee shall be chosen by the SA officers and are subject to the approval of the Student Association.
    1. Responsibilities of the Girls and Guys Athletic Directors

      1. Coordinate all athletic activities of the Association.
      2. Keep an accurate system of records and statistics on individuals and teams.
      3. Be a member of the Executive Committee.
      4. Assume all duties assigned by the President.
      5. Attendance of S.A. meetings required unless absent from school.